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  • Zwierczyk U, Duplaga M. Nutrition and food literacy – concept, measurement methods, determinants, and meaning. Nursing problems, 2021; 79-84, 29 (2-3).
  • Zwierczyk U, Kobryn M, Duplaga M. Validation of the Short Food Literacy Questionnaire in the Representative Sample of Polish Internet Users. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022; 970, 19(15).
  • Zwierczyk U, Sowada C, Duplaga M. Eating Choices—The Roles of Motivation and Health Literacy: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients, 2022; 4026, 14(19).
  • Duplaga M, Zwierczyk U, Kowalska-Duplaga K. The Assessment of the Reliability and Validity of the Polish Version of the Adult Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (PL-aVHS) in the Context of Attitudes toward COVID-19 Vaccination. Vaccines, 2022; 1666, 10(10).